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Conference Announcement: Trans-Disciplinary Conversations on Peatlands...

19 May 2017

Conference Announcement: Trans-Disciplinary Conversations on Peatlands...

Welcome to our new blog and our first post! This blog is part of the project 'Trans-Disciplinary Conversations on Peatlands', funded by the Irish Research Council and based at University College Cork, Ireland. We are building up to a conference/meeting on peatlands:

When and Where? The conference will be hosted at UCC on Saturday 8th July, 2017. Exact times and location to follow...

What? We are hoping that the conference will bring together people with an interest in peat/peatlands, including those working on the conservation, ecology and management of these landscapes, scientists researching peatland processes, archaeologists and palaeoecologists working on the remarkable records preserved in peat, through to artists and writers who draw inspiration from peat/peatlands...and more besides.

Who? Everyone and anyone is very welcome - students, academics, writers, artists, the general get the picture...

How much? Attendance is free. We will ask people to register very shortly however, so we can plan the day.

What's the programme? We're in the process of pulling together papers, but have a number of confirmed speakers...more information will follow in our next blog post...

Can I come and speak? A call for papers for our conference has been circulating on social media for a while, and we've received a number of offers. There may still be spaces though so do get in touch.

Whom do I contact for further information? Email: Twitter: @UCCPeatlands            

Irish Peatland Archaeology Across Time (IPeAAT)
