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Congratulations to Postgraduate Research Student Award Winners!

21 Jun 2024
Mx Ryan Goulding, recipient of award for Outstanding Peer of the Year, pictured with Professor Yvonne Nolan, Vice Head of Graduate Studies, CoMH and Professor Helen Whelton, Head of CoMH.

We are delighted to announce that three of our PhD students won Postgraduate Research Student Awards at an event on the 19th of June!

The names of the winners were announced during a summer event for Postgraduate Research Students at the College of Medicine and Health which took place in the Mardyke Pavilion.

Congratulations to the following PhD students/graduates:

  • PhD Student Louise Murphy who won the 1-Minute Video Competition (Supervisors: Dr Patrick Cotter, Professor Nicola Cornally, Dr Mohamad Saab, and Dr Sheena McHugh). Of note, all the videos submitted in this category were from our School!
  • PhD Student and Lecturer Ryan Goulding who won Outstanding Peer of the Year. Ryan was nominated by their supervisory team Dr Aine O’Donovan, Dr Johnny Goodwin, and Dr Mohamad Saab as well as their peers Caroline Egan and Edina Hanley. A special mention for Louise Murphy who also scored high in this award category.
  • SPHeRE PhD graduate Lynn Buckley (in absentia) who won Postgraduate Student of the Year (Supervisors: Dr Margaret Curtin, Professor Nicola Cornally, and Dr Louise Gibson). Lynn was nominated by Dr Margaret Curtin.














Ms Louise Murphy (centre) with Professor Yvonne Nolan and Professor Helen Whelton

School of Nursing and Midwifery

Scoil an Altranais agus an Chnáimhseachais

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