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NEWTRIENTS Project Featured in Duckweed / Circular Economy Showcase to Minister John Halligan

4 Sep 2018
Prof. Marcel Jansen discussing the Newtrients project with Minister John Halligan

Minister John Halligan TD visited the School of BEES on Monday September 3, 2018

Minister Halligan was briefed by Prof. Marcel Jansen on the EPA-funded Newtrients project, and especially the opportunity to generate high protein feeds in a sustainable manner, using dairy industry wastewater.

Dr Holger Kuhnhold, Dr Simona Paolacci and Mr Éamonn Walsh had put together a fascinating display including a basic flow-through growth system, sterile Lemna cultures, and the final product; duckweed powder. The Minister showed great interest in the use of duckweed as a feed product, and Prof. Jansen commented that this may alleviate Ireland's dependence on imported soy.   


Novel Eco-Sensitive Wastewater Treatment Recovering Dairy Industry Effluent Nutrients
