Todomodo - A Journal of Sciascia Studies
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Todomodo - A Journal of Sciascia Studies

A new, international, peer-reviewed journal edited by Dr Mark Chu of UCC’s Department of Italian, was presented in the Italian Senate on February 14th by Emma Bonino, Vice-President of the Senate and former EU Commissioner. Todomodo, founded by Francesco Izzo of the Amici di Leonardo Sciascia, and published by the prestigious Florentine academic publisher, Leo S. Olschki, is dedicated to the critical study of the life and works of the Sicilian author, Leonardo Sciascia (1921-1989).
The journal was officially launched in Florence in November 2011, and presented in Cork at the Italian Studies in Ireland Research Colloquium on February 3rd. The event at the Italian Senate is indicative of Sciascia’s importance as a writer and political commentator and activist. The author’s novel Il giorno della civetta (The Day of the Owl) is a set text on the Leaving Certificate syllabus for Italian.

Pictured at the Presentation of Todomodo at the Italian Senate: Dr Mark Chu, back right (Italian, UCC and Associate Editor) with Senator Emma Bonino (Radical Party and Vice President of the Senate), Dott. Daniele Olschki (publisher), Professor Renato Albiero (President of the Associazione degli Amici di Leonardo Sciascia) and Dott. Francesco Izzo (Associazione degli Amici di Leonardo Sciascia).

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