New website a hit with students on the hunt for a term-time home

Students in search of a term-time home can turn to

Students in search of a term-time home can turn to

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A website that equips students with vital knowledge in their annual quest for lodgings has been launched by the Accommodation Service at University College Cork (UCC).


The innovative site ensures that students unused to the pitfalls of the rental market are up-to-date on housing options, prices, locations, maps and contact details. Postgraduate and international students are also catered for, with separate dedicated information packs available to download.

Landlords who sign up to advertise on the site are bound to certain standards by a “Good Management” agreement. Maura O’Neill, UCC Accommodation Officer, says, “We’ve been working hard to expand the accommodation options. The site is already getting nearly five thousands hits a day. Students can have real confidence in the website, and rogue landlords that fail to honour the agreement will be barred from our service. Our only concern is to provide quality accommodation options for our students.”

With complexes on offer starting at €70 euro per week, and houses from €60, the site provides good value and much variety to students. Both students and landlords can use the website service for free.

UCC Accommodation Service is open 9.15am-8pm Monday to Friday, and 10am-2pm on Saturdays, for the months of August and September. A free housing advice service also operates throughout the year.

For further information, see or contact Maura O’Neill, Accommodation Officer, on: 021 490 2479 / 2498

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