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2007 Press Releases

10 May 2007

Crystal Dáil-gazing: 2007 General Election prediction competition

The Department of Government (UCC) and the Political Studies Association of Ireland (PSAI), in conjunction with The Sunday Business Post, are running a prediction competition for the 2007 general election.

Entrants are asked to predict the destination of the seats according to party and/or independent status within each of the forty-three constituencies. For example, in Cork South-Central will Fianna Fáil hold onto its three seats; will Fine Gael win two seats? Will all of the three Fianna Fáil incumbents in Cork North-West retain their seats?

To enter, the competition is FREE, but entrants are asked to state their name, contact details, and affiliation (e.g. member of political party, election candidate, university lecturer, member of the voting public) for reasons of transparency, and to avoid multiple entries.

Further details, including the entry form, are available online from Entries can then be emailed to the organiser of the competition, Liam Weeks, in the Department of Government, University College Cork (  It is also possible to enter by post, and entry forms will be published in The Sunday Business Post on 13 and 20 May.

The prizes are kindly donated by The Sunday Business Post, details of which will be confirmed in the near future. The winner will also receive a year's free subscription to Irish Political Studies, the official journal of the Political Studies Association of Ireland, the professional body of political scientists in Ireland, North and South.

There will be a special prize-giving ceremony at the Annual Conference of the PSAI, which this year is hosted by DCU, and will take place from 19-21 October at Issac's Hotel in central Dublin (for further details concerning the conference see

If you have any queries about the competition, please contact Liam Weeks


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University College Cork

Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh

College Road, Cork T12 K8AF
