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Legless lizards

1 Jan 2022
Legless lizards (Tomás Tyner)

Throughout vertebrate history the snake-like forms associated with limb reduction have evolved multiple times. This process is displayed here in the Lacertilia; the lizards.

Lizards are a hugely diverse group; ranging from the recently described nano-chameleon Brookesia nana, possibly the smallest reptile on Earth, to the charismatic Komodo dragon. There are also numerous legless lizards, including slow worms and many skinks, specialised for burrowing or living in long grass. These species can be distinguished from snakes due to the presence of eyelids and small external ear holes, coupled with notched rather than forked tongues. Although they have lost their legs these lizards retain some of the fascinating aspects of their clade, for example autotomy - the ability to sever their tail when attacked by predators and then have it grow back, albeit slightly smaller.

UCC Natural Collections
