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**** M.Plan Fee for Irish and EU students Reduced by 20% ****

The Centre for Planning Education and Research is pleased to announce that the EU fee has now been reduced by 20%. The yearly fee for the M.Plan programme has historically been set at quite a high level to reflect the real costs of delivering a professional master’s programme with a significant amount of applied content, studio instruction, external contributions, and a range of local, national and international field visits. Following discussions within the University, and taking into account the need to maintain affordability and access for professional courses, it has been decided to reduce the EU fee to €6,700 per year. As usual (in common with all field-based courses), a student contribution to study visits will be required. However, over the two years of the M.Plan, the fees will be approximately €3,380 less than before and this should significantly reduce the financial burden on students.

Centre for Planning Education & Research

UCC Connolly Complex Mardyke Parade Cork
