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UCC-led European Project, GINSENG, to improve performance control in sensor networks

15 Oct 2008

An EU-funded project on research into how greater performance control can be achieved in sensor networks for use in everything from patient monitoring to oil refinery control, is being led by Professor Cormac Sreenan of UCC's Computer Science Department. The €4.8 million GINSENG project under the EU's Framework 7 Programme, involves seven other partners - University of Coimbra, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, TU Braunschweig, Lancaster University, University of Cyprus, SAP (Germany) and GALP Energia (Portugal).

Professor Sreenan said that while Business Week magazine had chosen wireless sensor networks as one of the 21 most important technologies for the 21st century, and MIT's Technology Review ranked it among 10 emerging technologies that will change the world, the fact is that the technology is not being used as widely as predicted. It seems that existing applications have focused on agriculture and the environment where performance is not a crucial factor. The UCC-led project, he explained, aims to change this by developing sensor networks with assured performance - a challenging task that will require research breakthroughs in the design of software and communication protocols for these new networks.

A tangible outcome of the GINSENG project is that it will demonstrate improvements in production efficiency and quality at an oil refinery, as well as enhancing site safety and environmental impact.

For more information on GINSENG, see

Mobile and Internet Systems Laboratory

Department of Computer Science, Western Gateway Building, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, Ireland.
