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Applications invited for Post-Doctoral Researcher_CONNECT_DYPOSIT

15 Feb 2016

The Security Group in the Department of Computer Science at UCC has been engaged in world-class security research for over twenty years. Working as part of the recently established CONNECT Research Centre, the group develops robust techniques for security in complex systems with applications that range from large-scale enterprise systems to critical infrastructure. CONNECT is Ireland’s national research centre for Future Networks and Communications and is jointly funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and by industry. CONNECT engages with over 35 companies including large multinationals, SMEs and start-ups.

Salary: €33,975 - €37,750 p.a.

Post Duration: up to 27 months

Project: Dynamic Policies for Shared Cyber-Physical Infrastructures under Attack (DYPOSIT)

The IRC-Chist-ERA programme funded project DYPOSIT will investigate the problem of large, shared cyber physical systems under attack. The project will consider the challenge of dynamically formulating and adapting security controls, rapidly and on-demand, in the face of unfolding attacks on a shared cyber physical system fabric integrating multiple applications run by a variety of stakeholders. The project is being undertaken in collaboration with the Lancaster University, UK and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.

The Post-Doctoral Researcher will be expected to make significant contributions to the direction and progress of the project in addition to working closely with Dr. Simon Foley, the project Principal Investigator at University College Cork. Applications are invited from those with a PhD qualification and publications in a directly relevant area. Applicants with a background in Computer Security and who are interested in developing research experience in cyber-physcial systems, or applicants with background in the modelling and reasoning about systems/networks and are interested in developing research experience in cyber-physcial systems security, are also invited to apply.

For further details see following link:

Mobile and Internet Systems Laboratory

Department of Computer Science, Western Gateway Building, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, Ireland.
