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Applications invited for a PhD Position, Computer Science Department. Position Filled.

7 Sep 2011

A PhD position on the research topic “Leveraging cloud computing for scalable management of sensor data” is available at the Department of Computer Science, University College Cork (UCC), Ireland, supervised by Dr. John  Herbert and Prof Cormac Sreenan.  This position is for 4 years and is part of The Telecommunications Graduate Initiative ( This will provide an enhanced student learning experience, including access to a range of purpose-built educational modules in important topics in telecommunications.

The project addresses the need for novel solutions to managing large amounts of sensor data. Widespread deployment of sensors (as envisaged, for example, by the Internet of Things) will result in very large data sets from various sensor network sources. There is a challenge in managing this data in a manner is scalable and allows effective access to derive useful information. In addressing the challenge this project will investigate novel solutions that leverage cloud computing in combination with in-network techniques.

The candidate should have (or be about to obtain) a good honours degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related subject, and have competent programming skills.

Full applications must include, in PDF format:

  •  Full CV;
  •  list of all modules taken and results from undergraduate/postgraduate course(s);
  •  short summary of any relevant projects or work experience; 
  •  300 word statement explaining interest in research.

Closing Date for Applications: 30th September 2011

To apply: please email Dr. John Herbert using Subject: TGI PhD

Contract Type: fixed term whole-time 

Job Type: Research 

Start Date: 1st October 2011

Salary: c. €16,000 per annum (tax-free) plus €5,000 per annum allowance towards student fees

TGI is funded by the Higher Education Authority under the Programme for Research in Third-Level Institutions( PRTLI) Cycle 5 and co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Investing in your future.


Mobile and Internet Systems Laboratory

Department of Computer Science, Western Gateway Building, University College Cork, Western Road, Cork, Ireland.
