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MIGMOBS Keynote in Lisbon

23 Jul 2024

Global Mobilities Project director, Ettore Recchi, discussed MIGMOBS at the annual IMISCOE conference in Lisbon, in July 2024. 


Presenting a paper in the opening keynote, "People Across Places: Transnational Mobility as Degree Zero for Migration Studies", Prof. Recchi detailed the empirical work that MIGMOBS will undertake as part of the GMP in order to answer the question of how categories of migration and mobilities have shifted during the global neoliberalism of the last 50 years. Among other things, the paper showed how international mobilities have grown exponentially over recent decades while the proportion of it that is international migration has only risen slowly. He also revealed the idea of developing a global "GINI for Inequality in Transnational Mobility" to illustrate vast discepancies in the "passport power" enjoyed by members of rich nations over poorer ones.


Radical Humanities Laboratory, Wandesford Quay Research Facility, University College Cork, Republic of Ireland
