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ENVIRON 2021 is a wrap!

18 Jun 2021

Environ 2021, held virtually from UCC this year, has ended with much success!

In Wednesday morning's session on Biodiversity & Ecosystems, Kieran Cowhig presented his research on lake-dwelling freshwater pearl mussels (Margaritifera margaritifera) in Ireland, which was very well received! Kieran is supervised by MESA PI, Dr Tim Sullivan, and Dr Simon Harrison of the UCC School of BEES.

Friday afternoon's Environmental Geoscience session saw Hannah Binner present on a systematic review of metal contamination in European urban soils, where Hannah made recommendations for future study in this area. The contribution was co-authored by MESA PI, Tim Sullivan, and Prof Maria McNamara (UCC School of BEES). Hannah is a PhD student, funded by iCRAG.

Also on Friday afternoon, in the session on Water Quality & Resources, Irene O'Callaghan gave a talk entitled "Uncharted Waters: UV Filters in the Freshwater Environment", co-authored by Tim Sullivan. Irene is a Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholar, co-funded by the Irish Research Council and Environmental Protection Agency (Ireland).

Tim Sullivan was co-convener of the conference, and chaired a number of sessions on topics including Energy Use, Environmental Policy and Scientific Communication. Hannah and Irene were also on this year's winning quiz team!

Materials & Environmental Science Applications

Grúpa Taighde d'Ábhair & Feidhmeanna Eolaíocht Chomhshaoil

School of BEES, University College Cork, Cork Enterprise Centre, Distillery Fields, North Mall, Cork, T23 TK30

Funding Sources
