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2020 News items

UCC Medical students artwork and poetry included in the Harvard Medical Student Review Student Voices of COVID -19

21 Sep 2020
Harvard Medical Student review - compilation of UCC student artwork and poetry

In response to COVID-19 the Harvard Medical Student Review collected reflections, experiences and commentary from graduate students in the healthcare field. 

Three artwork pieces by UCC Medical students were included in this collection along with a piece of poetry.

Congratulations to Ramesha Ali, Avnee Nulkar, Leah Komer and Alisha Poppen.


A Weeping Heart - Ramesha Ali

















Breathe - Avnee Nulkar













Burnout - Leah Komer















The Mask
Alisha Poppen

Wearing a mask has become a sign of utmost empathy one can show to another
We do not wear a mask to protect our self, but rather to protect others
 It is an implicit statement of love, not fear 

I wear my mask to prevent the spread of the virus that can make you sick
Not because I think everyone around me has the virus and wants to infect me
Not because I am afraid of the virus

I wear my mask to comfort you, not to make you feel apprehensive
I wear my mask as a solider in this war against a microscopic threat that spares nobody
It is armor

Six feet apart and a piece of fabric to cover our face
It is all that we have to protect life and prevent death
No borders that separate us, no vaccine to save us
No person too big or too small, too rich or too poor, too red or too blue is immune 

We all play for the same team

The mask, a symbol of unity, a symbol of hope and a symbol of love



 All pieces can be viewed at: 

School of Medicine

Scoil an Leighis

Room 2.59, T12 AK54
