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2016 News item

UCC Medical Students to enter ‘Dragons’ Den’

13 Jun 2016

The School of Medicine at UCC has launched a new module for its undergraduate medical students designed to expose them to the business skills required to develop cost-effective practices.

The ‘Business Skills in Medicine’ module reaches its peak at the ‘The Big Pitch’, where student groups are invited to present their final pitch to a ‘Dragons’ Den-style’ panel of experts, which this year includes representatives from UCC’s School of Economics, IGNITE UCC’s Graduate Business Innovation Programme, Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) and Bank of Ireland.

Dr Brad Noel of the School’s Medical Education Unit said the new module was being offered as part of the UCC’s Undergraduate Medical Student Selected Components (SSC) programme.

“It is a timely and innovative course, which exposes medical students to the considerations of business planning for cutting edge modern services provision.”

As part of the module, students are required to participate in a group project involving the development of a business proposal in a healthcare-related sector. This year’s projects are focusing on ‘Creating a Primary Care Centre’ and ‘Creating a Consultant’s Clinic’.

Article from:

School of Medicine

Scoil an Leighis

Room 2.59, T12 AK54
