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2014 news items

Symposium - The Legacy of Andreas Vesalius - 21 October 2014

14 Oct 2014

The symposium on October 21st is organised to mark the quincentenary of the birth of the great anatomist and medical educator Andreas Vesalius.

Vesalius’ seminal publication of 1543, “De Humani Corporis Fabrica” represents one of the greatest historical shifts in medicine and the way it was taught. In conjunction with the symposium the Jennings Gallery in UCC will also launch an anatomical art exhibition after the symposium.

Further information can be found at

This symposium qualifies for 4 continuing professional development credits from the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland.

Registration for the symposium is free.

School of Medicine

Scoil an Leighis

Room 2.59, T12 AK54
