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Medical Education Unit Faculty Development Day

6 Oct 2016

Medical Education Unit
Faculty Development Day
December 3, 2016
Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, UCC

The Study Day is aimed at clinicians who teach medical students in clinical settings, including General Practitioners, Hospital Consultants and doctors interested in medical education.

Accredited for 4 CPD points

Places are limited.  There is no registration fee for this event.  To reserve a place please e-mail: and include your workshop choice in descending order.


Registration & Coffee 



Dr Deirdre Bennett, Head, Medical Education Unit 


What's new in Faculty Development

Dr Catherine Sweeney, Lecturer, Medical Education Unit


Workshops A, B, C, D 




Overview of the teaching environment  in UCC including tours of Brookfield Health Sciences  Complex


Workshops A, B, C, D 




Workshop Topics


Workshop A

Assessment Using Mini CEX

Dr Tony Foley, Lecturer, Department of General Practice &

Dr Elaine Walsh, Lecturer, Department of General Practice 

Workshop B

Providing Feedback to Students

Dr Mark James, Lecturer, Clinical Ophthalmology &

Dr Rob Gaffney, Director, Clinical Skills, Medical Education Unit

Workshop C

The Student in Difficulty

Dr Eileen Duggan, Lecturer, Medical Education Unit 

Dr Paula O'Leary, Senior Lecturer & Consultant Physician 

Workshop D

Clinical Teaching with Real Patients: 10 tips for good practice

Dr Nora McCarthy, Lecturer, Medical Education Unit

Dr Brad Noel, Lecturer, Medical Education Unit 



School of Medicine

Scoil an Leighis

Room 2.59, T12 AK54
