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The Irish Sea... Yet to unveil all its secrets

3 Dec 2021
Seismic data (top) and interpretation (bottom) from the Irish Sea

The exploration of geophysical data from the Irish Sea allows the scientific team to build a ground model, furthering their understanding of the area through time.

Within the framework of the IMORE project (Informing and Mapping the Offshore Renewable Environment) Dr. Guillaume Michel, Prof. Andy Wheeler and Dr. Mark Coughlan have been building ground models using seismic data, to better understand the evolution of the Irish Sea through different glacial and interglacial periods.

This data - sourced from INFORMAR and academic surveys - has revealed a very complex history related to the different glacial episodes.

Understanding the geological history and exploring the potential of the geophysical data are key objectives to the development of marine renewable energies and especially offshore windfarms.

For more information about the IMORE project, please visit the SEAI website:

Marine Geosciences Research Group

University College Cork

School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, North Mall Campus, University College Cork, North Mall, Cork City, T23 TK30
