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PhD conferring

19 Jun 2018
Dr Áine Ryall, Dr Sean Whittaker, Prof Owen McIntyre Photo Credit: Pat Rice

Dr Sean Whittaker, School of Law and UCC Centre for Law and the Environment, was conferred with the PhD in Law on 15 June 2018.  

The title of Sean’s thesis is:  Legal Transplants and Regimes Governing Access to Environmental Information in England and Wales, the United States and China.

Sean’s doctoral research was funded by an Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship.  Dr Áine Ryall supervised the research project.

 Sean’s work has been published in international, peer reviewed journals, most notably in Transnational Environmental Law: The Right of Access to Environmental Information and Legal Transplant Theory: Lessons from London and Beijing” (2017) 6(3) Transnational Environmental Law 506.

Sean is currently working in a postdoctoral position in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Dundee, where he is engaged in an Economic and Social Research Council funded project led by Professor Colin Reid and Dr Jonathan Mendel.

The project, Uncovering the Environment: the Use of Public Access to Environmental Informationevaluates the impact of the access to environmental information regime in Scotland through examining its use in practice.  The project examines how successfully the right has met its intended aims and is being conducted in collaboration with the Scottish Information Commissioner, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Scottish National Heritage.

Centre for Law and the Environment

Room 1.63, T12 T656
