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CLE PhD Candidate is Awarded with ‘Most Outstanding Article’ Prize at the Launch of Volume 23 of the UCD Law Review

16 Feb 2024
Judge Suzanne Kingston addressing the audience at Journal launch, January 2024

 The UCD Law Review Editorial Board launched Volume 23 of the journal in January 2024. 

The event hosted Judge Suzanne Kingston of the GCEU as keynote speaker, and Dean of Law Prof Laurant Pech, who selected the volume’s ‘Most Outstanding Article.

This year, the prize was awarded to Julián Suárez Bohórquez, PhD candidate of the Centre for Law and the Environment working under the supervision of Prof Owen McIntyre, for his article ‘A Symbolic Step and an Enormous Leap of Faith: The Recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss Regarding Constitutional Reform to Incorporate Environmental Human Rights and Rights of Nature in Ireland.’

Julián’s article dealt with the specific content of the recommendations of the Citizens’ Assembly on Biodiversity Loss regarding the incorporation of environmental rights and rights of nature in the Irish Constitution. According to Judge Kingston, the article “looks in detail at the proposals of the Citizens’ Assembly” and looks “at the implications of all of that [other domestic examples of rights of nature and recent judicial activity in constitutional environmental law]” and what they might be for the Irish context.” The piece will be shortly available on the UCDLR repository in HeinOnline, which can be accessed via the UCC Database Catalogue.

Centre for Law and the Environment

Room 1.63, T12 T656
