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Prof. Louise Crowley on UCC Bystander Awareness Programme

19 Feb 2022

Prof Louise Crowley: UCC Bystander Awareness Programme 

The brutal, senseless murder of Ashling Murphy on 12TH January 2022 ripped through our collective hearts and reminded the women of Ireland of the fear that too often attaches to our everyday choices. Prof Louise Crowley of the School of Law and the Director of the UCC Bystander Intervention programme provided an insight into the UCC programme which seeks to educate and empower UCC staff and students to recognise acts of sexual harassment and violence and to cultivate the participants’ capacity to demand a zero tolerance approach to all such behaviour, enabled by their upskilling in making safe and effective interventions, by calling out unacceptable behaviour.


The overarching message was clear - all of society must recognise their responsibility to highlight unacceptable behaviour, to challenge unwanted advances both verbal and physical, to effect cultural change. Stepping in to identify and stop sexual harassment and violence rightly places the spotlight on the perpetrator and their behaviour and can facilitate their removal or provide support for the vulnerable party. Each intervention can be both informative and transformative for the parties involved. Through targeted training, these interventions can become normalised, will identify a new level of expectation, and a new normal for women and girls.


Catch up with some of Louise’s contributions:

Second Captains: Violence Against Women and Girls, and what Society can do about it.

Matt Cooper Show Today FM (from 8 minutes)

Oireachtas TV with Flor McCarthy

Irish Times Op Ed “It is ‘All Men’ Who Must Now Step Up and Speak Out”

UCC Educates Students About Inappropriate Behaviour” RTE Radio 1 This Week


Professor Mark Poustie, Dean of the School of Law, paid tribute to Professor Louise Crowley’s efforts:

‘Gender based violence is completely unacceptable.   Professor Louise Crowley’s inspirational leadership on highlighting the issues and empowering and educating colleagues and students through the Bystander Initiative to recognize and call out unacceptable behaviour significantly contributes to changing the culture in our society.’ 


School of Law

Scoil an Dlí

Room 1.63, Aras na Laoi, T12 T656
