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The Italian Wave

Italian Courses

1 Jul 2021

Are you a primary and/or a secondary school looking to offer Italian? You have found what you were looking for. We offer introductory courses on Italian language and culture for both levels.

If you want to be part of the Italian Wave Language Initiative, please complete the form available here.


Introductory courses on Italian Language and Culture: 

  • Consisting of 8 (TY) / 10 (PS) hours  
  • Taught by teachers with a recognized teaching qualification 
  • Based on a Task-based syllabus which is innovative, technology-mediated and fun 


  • At the end of the course students will receive an attendance certificate awarded by the Honorary Consul of the Italian Embassy for Munster M Gabriella Caponi. 
  • The Award ceremony, organized by University College Cork, will take place in the presence of the Head of the Italian Department  

Teaching approach and ICT tools 

The overall approach adopted for the courses is task-based. Each lesson is structured around a task and centred around a cultural theme aimed at enticing students to find out more about Italy and Italian. The course is designed to encourage students’ mutual interaction and promote the integrated development of the four language skills – speaking, listening, reading and writing. Language games and playful activities are included to promote a positive learning environment and stimulate students’ creativity.

All teaching materials are original and unique. Carefully selected technological tools are effectively integrated into the teaching to achieve a dual purpose: actively engage the students in the language learning process while at the same time improve their digital literacy.


If you are interested in the initiative contact the project coordinators: 

Dott.ssa M Gabriella Caponi 


She is the Munster Honorary Consul for the Italian Embassy in Ireland.

She is President of the Cork Dante Alighieri Society

Since 1994 she has been working as a College Language Teacher in the Department of Italian, UCC. She coordinates the Final Year Language Program and the Continuing Personal Development programme for Postgraduate Students of Italian.

She is also the director of the CILS/DITALS outreach Examination Centre of the Università per Stranieri di Siena, in UCC.

She coordinated the project Podcast & Go! 2017/18, on the use of podcast as an assessment and learning tool for advanced learners of Italian. Organization involved: Department of Italian, UCC.

Dr Sara Lis Ventura


In 2020 she completed a PhD at the Department of Italian, UCC with a project on the integrated use of Digital Storytelling and Literature to teach Italian as a Foreign Language.

Since 2007 she has been working as Italian Language Teacher in several countries: India (Italian Embassy Cultural Institute, New Delhi), South Korea (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul), Italy (Regional Institute for European Studies, Pordenone) and Ireland (UCC).

She worked as a specialist consultant for the project Storytelling in MFL: What’s your story 2019/20. Initiative to support teachers of junior cycle MFL in using digital storytelling in the classroom. Organizations involved: PPLI and JCT.

She was one of the coordinators of the project Podcast & Go! 2017/18, on the use of podcast as an assessment and learning tool for advanced learners of Italian. Organization involved: Department of Italian, UCC.

Department of Italian


First Floor Block A West, O' Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
