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UCC student awarded NUI Literary Scholarship

21 Nov 2008
UCC student awarded NUI Literary Scholarship

Congratulations to William Byrne (UCC) who was the 2008 recipient of the Dr Henry Hutchinson Stewart Literary Scholarship in Italian. Billy received his award and a cheque for €2,300 from Dr Garrett FitzGerald, Chancellor of the National University of Ireland at the Annual Awards Ceremony at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham. The Scholarship is awarded annually to the First-Year student deemed by an External Examiner to have performed best in the Summer Examinations in Italian at the three NUI universities in which Italian is taught: UCC, UCD and NUIG.

Previous UCC recipients of the award include Angela O'Flaherty (1999), Patrick McGauley (2004) and Brenda Donohue (2005).

Department of Italian


First Floor Block A West, O' Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
