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The "Strage di Capaci" - Twenty Years On

23 May 2012
A commemoration of the "Strage di Capaci" on the twentieth anniversary of the mafia murder of Judge Giovanni Falcone.

The "Strage di Capaci" - Twenty Years On

Dr Mark Chu and Dr Daragh O'Connell (Department of Italian, UCC) in conversation on the twentieth anniversary of the murder of Giovanni Falcone, Francesca Morvillo, Vito Schifani, Rocco Dicillo and Antonio Montinaro.

On 23 May 1992 Giovanni Falcone, the leading Italian magistrate in prosecuting the Sicilian Mafia, or Cosa Nostra as it is more properly known, was killed by the Mafia, together with his wife and fellow magistrate, and three of his bodyguards, by a 350 kg dynamite explosion placed beneath the motorway from Palermo Airport to Palermo near the town of Capaci. Two months later Paolo Borsellino, another leading anti-mafia magistrate, was murdered by a car bomb in Via D’Amelio, Palermo. The bomb attack also claimed the lives of five policemen. Both magistrates have come to symbolize the struggle against the mafia and its collusion with corrupt elements within the State.

DATE AND TIME:Wednesday, 23 May at 4.00pm

VENUE: O’Rahilly Building, room 1.24




Department of Italian


First Floor Block A West, O' Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
