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‘Scelgo le mie parole con cura’

18 Oct 2022

‘Scelgo le mie parole con cura’: un incontro con Murubutu tra rap, letteratura e storytelling
[‘I choose my words with care’: a talk with Murubutu between rap, literature and storytelling]
Tuesday, 18 October 2022, 3.00 pm
Granary Theatre, UCC

The Department of Italian, the School of Film, Music and Theatre and the ERC Cipher project are delighted to host the Italian hiphop artist Murubutu as part of the 22nd ‘Settimana della lingua italiana nel mondo’ [Week of the Italian Language in the World], the theme of which is ‘l’italiano e i giovani’ [the Italian language and young people]:

‘Scelgo le mie parole con cura’: Talk con Murubutu tra rap, letteratura e storytelling

[‘I choose my words with care’: a talk with Murubutu between rap, literature and storytelling]

Murubutu will give a talk in Italian, with English interpreters, which will be followed by a brief performance and Q&A moderated by the CIPHER Team's Prof. Griff Rollefson.

All welcome. Admission is free but ticketed. Please register in advance at:

For more on Murubutu see:

We are grateful to the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Dublino for its support.

Department of Italian


First Floor Block A West, O' Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
