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Department of Italian Research Seminar: Prof. Giuliana Minghelli, Harvard University (24 November 2008)

17 Nov 2008
Department of Italian Research Seminar: Prof. Giuliana Minghelli, Harvard University (24 November 2008)


Prof. Giuliana Minghelli (Harvard University), ' L’occhio di Verga. La pratica fotografica nel Verismo italiano' (in Italian)

13.00-14.00, Monday, 24 November 2008, ORB 2.55  

In 'L’occhio di Verga' , Prof. Minghelli  explores the relation between the practice of photography and writing in the work of Giovanni Verga and argues that his long and involved practice of photography had a decisive influence in creating what Asor Rosa called “Verga’s optics,” namely a new way of seeing and a new understanding of writing. She suggests that the study of Verga’s relation to the “modern image” opens up new perspectives on the writer’s embattled relation with modernity.

Giuliana Minghelli is Associate Professor in the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at Harvard University where she teaches Italian literature and film studies.

Department of Italian


First Floor Block A West, O' Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
