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Department of Italian PhD Research Forum (23 September 2009)

17 Sep 2009
Department of Italian PhD Research Forum (23 September 2009)

PhD Research Forum on Wednesday, 23 September in Room 1.06 at 11 am (to be confirmed)

The forum will consist of three short papers and follow-up discussion:

  • Stefano Odorico 'Tower Bridge is Falling Down: a Journey Through Keiller's London'.
  • Emma Keane ‘The Politics of Possession: Giuseppe Antonio Borgese’s Rubè and Alberto Moravia’s La noia – A comparative analysis’.
  • Michal Czorycki 'Reports from a Besieged City: Paolo Rumiz’s La secessione leggera'.

All welcome

For information please contact Dr. Silvia Ross (, tel. 490 3169 or 490 2335.

Department of Italian


First Floor Block A West, O' Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
