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New Perspectives on Youth Political Participation

13 Feb 2018
Dr Nathan Manning (University of York), Dr Emily Rainsford (Newcastle University), Dr Catherine Forde (UCC) and Rebecca Jeffers (UCC)

The ISS21 Civil Society cluster hosted ‘New Perspectives on Young People’s Political Participation’ on Friday 23rd February 2018.

The seminar ‘New Perspectives on Youth Political Participation’ was hosted by the ISS21 Civil Society Research Cluster on Friday 23 February. In the opening session Dr Nathan Manning (University of York), Dr Emily Rainsford (Newcastle University) and Rebecca Jeffers (UCC) presented papers based on their research on different aspects of youth participation, including: engaging young people as co-researchers in local health policy, youth political activism in the UK and young people’s activism in Ireland. This was followed by a roundtable discussion with James Doorley (National Youth Council of Ireland), Donnchadh O’Laoghaire TD (Sinn Féin), Laura Harmon (National Women’s Council of Ireland) and Thomas Atcha (UCC). We were delighted to welcome young people from St Aloysius Secondary School, Presentation College and North Monastery Secondary School, who raised a number of important issues in relation to youth participation in the course of the roundtable discussion.


The seminar was chaired by Dr Catherine Forde and Dr Theresa Reidy (UCC). Professor Chris Williams (Head of CACSSS) opened the event and Dr. Claire Edwards (ISS21) provided the closing remarks. This event was funded by a New Foundations Award from the Irish Research Council.

Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century (ISS21)

Top Floor, Carrigbawn/Safari Building, Donovan Road, Cork, T12 YE30
