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New ISS21 Disability and Mental Health Research Working Group established

1 Sep 2014

A new working group interested in social scientific perspectives on issues of mental health and disability has been developed within ISS21.

Across the Colleges and Schools of UCC, there is a considerable amount of teaching and research underway in the areas of disability and mental health, with a diversity of research approaches and paradigms. The ISS21 Disability and Mental Health working group has enjoyed a number of productive meetings since the Spring, during which the ambitions and objectives of the group have been discussed and developed. There have also been two seminar events. The first of these seminars had a mental health focus and took place on Friday the 28th of February. Darius Whelan (Law) presented on the topic of Paternalism in Mental Health Law, while Lydia Sapouna (Applied Social Studies) and Harry Gijbels (Nursing and Midwifery) jointly presented on the topic of ‘Critical Perspectives in Mental Health’. The second seminar took place on Friday 23rd May and on that occasion guest speaker Liz Brosnan spoke on the topic of critical enquiry in research. This was followed by stimulating discussion and a workshop session for working group participants. The working group looks forward to further development in the new academic year, and in particular to pursuing collaborative interdisciplinary projects between members. New members welcome - contact Dr Gill Harold (

Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century (ISS21)

Top Floor, Carrigbawn/Safari Building, Donovan Road, Cork, T12 YE30
