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Children & Young People Research Cluster Showcase

9 Apr 2019
Andre Kenneally, Deirdre Horgan, Eluska Fernandez, Helen Lynch and Conor O’Mahony

In this showcase event, members of the Children and Young People Research Cluster presented short papers on their on-going or completed research. A range of research topics were presented by colleagues from different disciplinary backgrounds (Law, Sociology, Occupational Therapy, Applied Social Science) including: the use of animation in children's research, the political socialisation of school children, the integrations of migrant children in schools, and the use of voluntary care arrangements in Ireland (full list below).  

The ISS21 Children and Young People (CYP) Research Cluster brings together researchers from a wide range of disciplines in order to collaborate, promote awareness and disseminate research with and for children and young people. For further information on the cluster, please click on the following link: Children and Youth 

Those wishing to join the CYP cluster should contact Margaret Scanlon (


Annie Cummins: Animation: A creative, participatory approach to engaging children in research.

Conor O’Mahony, Rebekah Brennan and Kenneth Burns:Voluntary Care in Ireland: Consent, Participation and Oversight in Out-of-Court Child Care Arrangements.

Andre Kenneally: An examination of the Children’s Rights Alliance (CRA) as a New Social Movement (NSM) utilising Habermas’ Communicative Rationality and Core Periphery Theories

Emmanuelle Schon-Quinlivan: An exploratory analysis of political socialisation of primary school children on the European Union: the example of My Big Friendly Guide to the European Union.

Helen Lynch, Bryan Boyle, Alice Moore, Ciara O’Toole, Deirdre Horgan, Dan O’Sullivan: Combining expertise across disciplines to research new initiatives in therapy-education sectors: National Council for Special Education Demonstration Project evaluation, 2018-2019.

Shirley Martin, Deirdre Horgan & Jacqui O’Riordan: IMMERSE: Measuring Socio-Educational Integration for Migrant Children and Youth.

Eluska Fernandez, Karl Kitching and Deirdre Horgan: PEACH: Connecting material, relational and subjective aspects of child and youth wellbeing: what can we learn from 11 year-olds

Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century (ISS21)

Top Floor, Carrigbawn/Safari Building, Donovan Road, Cork, T12 YE30
