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Centering and Embedding Family Carers in the Co-Production of Carer Research, Supports and Policy

3 Dec 2021
Nikki Dunne, Emmy Racine; Liam O’Sullivan, Carol Kelleher (clockwise from top left)

On 3 December the PPI Ignite Network @ UCC and ISS21 hosted a seminar which explored how family carers are integrated and involved in the co-production of carer research, policy and supports. Representatives from Family Carers Ireland (FCI) described the lessons learnt from establishing a PPI panel of family carers, as well as future plans. In addition, two Irish Research Council New Foundations funded projects on family carers were presented, the CARERENGAGE and INTERFACE projects. Family carers, researchers and partner organisations (Care Alliance Ireland and FCI) from both projects reflected on the experience.

Presentations were as follows

  • Family Carers Ireland PPI Panel – origin, impact, learning and future plans. Dr Nikki Dunne (FCI).
  • Family carers’ experience of the FCI PPI Panel and PPI. Dr Fiona Masterson (Family Carer).
  • CARERENGAGE – Co-producing research and policy with family carers. Dr. Carol Kelleher (UCC) and Liam O’Sullivan (CAI).
  • INTERFACE – Co-production of family carer research priorities. Irene Hartigan (UCC) and Paul Skelly

The presentations were followed by a lively Q&A session with audience members.

Dr Emmy Racine, Programme Manager for PPI Ignite Network @ UCC, chaired the event. 

The PPI Ignite Network @ UCC is part of the National PPI Ignite Network funded by the Health Research Board and the Irish Research Council. Follow them on twitter at: @PPI_Ignite_UCC 

A recording of the event is available at the following link: 

For more on this story contact:

Emmy Racine (

Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century (ISS21)

Top Floor, Carrigbawn/Safari Building, Donovan Road, Cork, T12 YE30
