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INAD Audit Tools and Materials

Audit Tools and Materials

Audit Tools and Materials

Audit Structure

The INAD-2 is comprised of three parts, employing tools adapted from the first INAD, which were in turn adapted from the UK Audit for the Irish population;


Casenote Audit - Each participating hospital is asked to identify the records of 40 patients with a diagnosis or current history of dementia. Of these 40 casenotes, 30 which meet the inclusion criteria of the project are audited against a checklist of standards that relate to admission, comprehensive multi-disciplinary assessment, care planning/delivery, and discharge. This is conducted using the INAD-2 Case Note Audit Tool.

Hospital Organisational Audit - This section of the audit looks at the structures, policies, guidelines, care processes and key staff that impact on service planning and provision for care of people with dementia within each hospital. This is conducted using the INAD-2 Hospital Organisational Audit Tool.

Environmental Audit - This checklist involves investigation of wards through observation of the environment i.e. layout/size, signage/mapping, floors, bedding, accessibility of toilets and bathing facilities, patients safety, and the promotion of patient independence, all as they relate to dementia care. This is conducted using the INAD-2 Ward Environmental Audit Tool. In some hospitals, a more detailed environmental audit will be undertaken, in partnership with TrinityHaus, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin.

Irish National Audit of Dementia

The National Dementia Office in Partnership with the Centre for Gerontology and Rehabilitation, School of Medicine, UCC, St. Finbarr's Hospital, Douglas Road, Cork.
