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Cork's first climate change community weekend takes place

23 Oct 2019
The Echo News Article

The Echo article by

HOW communities tackle climate change will be discussed in Ballincollig at an event In the town next month.
Taking place on November 16 and 17, the weekend Is being organised by Jm­aginlng2050, a group of UCC and Queen's University researchers who are tackling climate change and Investigating how Ireland can transition to a low carbon society.

"The purpose of the event Is to link with local communities and to develop a vision for a better future," says Dr Alex­andra Revez, one of the organisers.

"There are considerable challenges facing communities, and we (re­searchers) need to work with commu­nities, rather than Imposing solutions from a City Council or academic level."
Dr Revez says the event will be based on a model of public consultation.
"It's called a citizen's jury. We provide the participants v.1th some Information In a neutral way. Then the participants deliberate."
This climate change community event Is the first of its kind In Cork, and Ballln­colllg was chosen for a specific reason.

"The population has doubled in a very short space of time, and It's become a sat­ellite town for the city, with a big com­muting pattern."
"If there are going to be changes In how people move around, how they travel to work, school and study ... It will affect people living In Ballincolllg greatly."

Dr Revez added that Ballincollig Is known for Its "fantastic" community en­gagement.

The event is free but registration Is required, email Dr Revez at alexan­ for further details.

The Echo


Environmental Research Institute University College Cork, Lee Road, Cork ,
