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Past Conferences

4:53 PM, 18 Nov 2008 - 4:56 PM, 29 Nov 2008, Council Room, UCC

Postgraduate Forum

Department of History, UCC and the Centre for Historical Research (University of Limerick and Mary Immaculate College) Postgraduate Forum 

On Tuesday 18th November, the Department of History UCC hosted the second postgraduate forum in conjunction with the Centre for Historical Research (University of Limerick and Mary Immaculate College). The first forum, which was held in UL in May 2008, proved so successful, it was agreed UCC would host the next forum.

The conference, which was held in the Council Room, North Wing, showcased the excellent research being undertaken by History research students in the three universities.

Officially opened by Professor Dermot Keogh, the head of the UCC History Department, the conference was attended by over sixty participants throughout the day, with over thirty visitors from Limerick. In particular, Professor Keogh acknowledged the participation of Professor Anthony McElligott, Dr Ciara Breathnach, Dr Liam Chambers and Dr. David Butler.  

Following the welcoming address, the first panel chaired by Dr. Larry Geary (UCC) comprised three papers, one from each university, dealing with issues surrounding the middle classes and voluntary associations in Limerick, Gaelic Physicians and the Medical Revolution in Ireland and the methodological approaches to asylum records as a source. After each paper the speakers were queried by both academics and fellow postgraduates. The panel was also attended by Dr David Ryan, the Associate Dean of the Graduate School, CACSSS.  

Following lunch the events continued with the second panel, chaired by Dr Liam Chambers (MIC) discussing three very interesting and different topics from “homely maidens”, to the transfer of secret documents and Irish EEC entry, to the Munster Journal as a political tool in the eighteenth century. After a coffee break, Dr Donal Ó’Drisceoil (UCC) and a number of the M.A.s from the History department came to listen to the final panel, which, as the chair Professor McElligott noted, was connected by the theme of imperialism. With a paper on Lenin and violence during the First World War, the artist Rose Barton and her portrayal of imperialism and moonlighting in Clare, it was an excellent end to the day’s proceedings.

The conference was organised by members of the UCC History Postgraduate Association, and funded by the UCC History Department. The next forum will be held in Mary Immaculate College in 2009 and details on submissions will be posted once a date is finalised. Hopefully the forum and the connections developed between postgraduates in the three universities will continue over the coming years.

Free. Organised by Department of History and Center for Historical Research

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