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Past Conferences

14th Irish-Australian Conference, 22-24 June 2005

22 Jun 2005
14th Irish-Australian Conference, 22-24 June 2005

Conference Organizer Dr. Larry Geary, and Dr. Andrew McCarthy

For a breakdown of the program...

Conference Programme



Wednesday, 22 June 2005 


Venues: W9 and W5, West Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC 


9.00 – 10.30am



Registration, West Wing, Main Quadrangle


10.40 – 11.00



Conference Opening, W9, West Wing 


11.00 – 12.30 (W9)



Panel 1: Chair: Dermot Keogh


Carla King, St. Patrick’s College, Dublin ‘A new world full of youthful hopes and promise’: Michael Davitt in Australia, 1895




Rory O'Dwyer, University College Cork, ‘A roof-raising affair’? Eamon de Valera’s tour of Australia and New Zealand




Ruán O’Donnell, University of Limerick, The IRA and Australia, 1948-62



12.30 – 2pm








2 – 3pm  (W9)



Panel 2A: Chair: William H Mulligan




Ciara Breathnach, University of Limerick, Recruiting Irish migrants for life in New Zealand 1870-1875




Brad Patterson, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand’s ‘Ulster Plantation’: Revisiting Katikati




2 – 3pm (W5)



Panel 2 B: Chair: David Ryan




Pamela O’Neill, University of Melbourne, A sense of place:  monastic scenes in Irish-Australian funerary monuments




Chris Eipper, La Trobe University, The two-way tide: the secularisation of Irish society from an ethnographic perspective




3 – 3.30pm



Tea/Coffee Break




3.30 – 4.30pm  (W9)




Panel 3 A: Chair: Joe Lee




Malcolm Campbell, University of Auckland, Irish Immigrants in the Pacific World




3.30 – 4.30pm (W5)



Panel 3 B: Chair: Hiram Morgan




Mike Bowen, Melbourne, From Cork to Melbourne: An Irishman’s Adventure




Hannah Speden, Australia Irish-English-Australian: What am I?




 5.15pm (W9)



Oliver MacDonagh Memorial Lecture



Chair: Peter Kuch




Tom Dunne, University College, Cork, Wild People in Romantic Landscapes: Irish Art and National Character, 1750-1850







Book Launch: Staff Dining Room, UCC 


David Fitzpatrick will launch a selection of essays by the late John O’Brien, entitled Studies in Irish, British and Australian Relations 1916 – 1963: Trade, Diplomacy and Politics, edited by Anne E. O’Brien and published by Four Courts Press, Dublin







 Thursday, 23 June




 W9 and W5, West Wing 


9 – 9.15pm



Registration, West Wing 


9.15 – 10.45am (W9)



Panel 4 A: Chair: Peter Kuch




Frances Devlin-Glass, Deakin University, Mary Durack's Kings in Grass Castles Reconsidered

David Lucy, Melbourne, The Táin Bó Cúailgne from Cork to Melbourne




Brega Webb, NUI, Galway, Eva of the Nation


 9.15 – 10.45am (W5)



Panel 4 B: Chair: Andy Bielenberg




William Mulligan, Murray State University, Kansas, A Far and Distant Shore: Maintaining Irish Identity in the Michigan Copper Country, 1845-1900




Geoff Russell, La Trobe University, Joseph Brady: an engineering genius: An illustrated biography of Colonial Australia’s leading Civil Engineer




Jackie Uí Chionna, NUI, Galway, Journey to Australia: Irish Salmon and the Development of Aquaculture in the New World




10.45 – 11.15am



Tea/Coffee Break




11.15 – 12.45pm (W9)



Panel 5 A: Chair: Malcolm Campbell




Micheál O’hAodha, University of Limerick, Prisoner-Speak: the “Secret” Language of the 19th century Australian Penal Colonies




Cheryl Mongan, Yass, New South Wales, Erin: land of our forefathers




Richard Davis, University of Tasmania, Irish influence on Van Diemen's Land/Tasmania from Bushrangers to the Celtic Tiger


11.15 – 12.45pm (W5)



Panel 5 B: Chair: Mervyn O’Driscoll




Tony Earls, Sydney, ‘'The opportunity of being useful’: The work of John Hubert Plunkett




Peter Moore, Sydney, Knight Faithful: John Michel Gunson 1822-1884




David Grant, Open University, W. Vincent Wallace and Music in Australia, 1835–38




12.45 – 2pm







2 – 3.30pm (W9)



Panel 6 A: Chair: Marita Foster




Lauren O’Sullivan, University College, Cork, The Assisted Emigration of Women From the Monteagle Estate, Co. Limerick to Australia, 1838-1858




Joan Kavanagh, Trinity College, Dublin, For their country’s good - the voyage of the Tasmania 2




Dianne Snowden, University of Tasmania, ‘A White Rag Burning’:  Irish Female Arsonists Transported to Van Diemen's Land




2 – 3.30pm (W5)



Panel 6 B: Chair: Frances Devlin-Glass




Carmen Cullen, Dublin, The Writer’s Voice. The role of nature and nurture in forming a writer




Carol Kiernan, Canberra, Celebrating Two Architects of Modern Ireland: Ireland’s Ballad Queen Delia Murphy and Diplomat Thomas Kiernan




3.30 – 4pm



Tea/Coffee Break




4 – 5pm (W9)




Panel 7: Chair: Carmel Quinlan A Reading by Evelyn Conlon, ‘The Ballad or Getting to Gundagai’







Book Launch: W9, West Wing




Louis de Paor will launch the proceedings of the Twelfth Irish Australian Conference, entitled Remembered Nations, Forgotten Republics, published as a special edition of the Australian Journal of Irish Studies, edited by Louis de Paor, Maureen O’Connor and Bob Reece




5.30 – 7pm



Conference Reception Hosted by History Department: Venue : ‘Tyrconnell’





Friday, 24 June




9.15 – 9.30am



Registration, West Wing




9.30 – 10.45am (W9)



Panel 8 A: Chair: Donal Ó Drisceoill




Jeff Kildea, Sydney, Who Fears to Speak of '14-'18: Remembrance of World War I in Ireland and Australia




Michael Hopkinson, University of Stirling, Archbishop Clune and the Peace Process, 1920-1921




9.30 – 10.45am (W5)



Panel 8 B: Chair: Clare O’Halloran




Clare McCotter, Kilrea, Co Derry, Fairytales, Nurses, Cannibals.  Constructing a Nationalist Narrative in Beatrice Grimshaw’s Papuan Landscapes



Paula Magee, Murdoch University, Western Australia, Irish Mothers and the Australian  Bureaucrats:  The experiences of Irish mothers at Graylands Migrant Hostel




 10.45 – 11.15am



Tea/Coffee Break




11.15 – 12.30 (W9)



Panel 9 A: Chair: Tracey Connolly




Peter Kuch, University of New South Wales, The Irish Players Tour of Queensland in 1922


Gay Lynch, Flinders University, Adelaide, Mythic and Literary Antecedents: Cuchulainn, the Magistrate of Galway and Edward Geoghegan’s Play, The Hibernian Father




11.15 – 12.30 (W5)



Panel 9 B: Chair: Diarmuid Scully




Dermot Clancy, Victoria University, Melbourne, Class, culture and religion in the formation of Australian Irish Catholic identity




Bernard Hickey, University of Lecce, Rome Waging contention with dispossession: the ongoing contribution of the Christian Brothers in Australia




 12.30 – 2pm







2pm (W9)



John O’Brien Memorial Lecture



Chair: David Fitzpatrick




Joe Lee, New York University and University College, Cork Approaches towards Comparison in Irish Diaspora History






Close of Conference

School of History

Scoil na Staire

Tyrconnell,Off College Road,Cork,Ireland.
