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School of History Annual Prize-giving Ceremony 2019

18 Feb 2019

The Aula Maxima of University College Cork was the venue for the annual School of History prize-giving awards held on Monday 4 February 2019. Head of School Dr Mervyn O’Driscoll reminded family, friends, and members of staff assembled that the awards celebrated the achievements of the brightest and the best in the fields of History and European Studies.

This annual event provides an opportunity to acknowledge the generosity of the donors and representatives of the families of donors of various prizes which were awarded – the John A. Murphy Prize in Irish History, the Polish Ambassador’s Prize in Polish History, the John B. O’Brien Annual Prize in History, the Leonora Hanrahan Prize in History, the James and Mary Hogan Prize in History, the Dermot Keogh Prize in Irish History, the J.J. Lee Prize in History, and the Jennifer O’Reilly Prize in Medieval History. All of the prizes carry considerable prestige, as well as providing much-appreciated financial assistance to History students. Dr O’Driscoll also noted that the winner of the John A. Murphy Prize in Irish History was also awarded a National University of Ireland Mansion House Fund Scholarship.

The ceremony was followed by an address by RTÉ journalist Brian O’Connell (a former UCC History student) who, after regaling the audience with reminiscences of his time as a student, spoke on the value of studying history: ‘Studying history here taught me how to distil narratives, how to acknowledge bias, and how to set issues in context and how that context is often contested. Those are very important life lessons adaptable to almost every career. Over the last 20 years, I have been lucky at times to have something of a ringside seat to some significant historical events – whether it’s referendums on major social issues, war in Syria, or the visit of Queen Elizabeth, or the Pope’s visit, or Brexit … Throughout all those events I’ve covered, I am convinced that without a background in history, I don’t think my work on those events would have been anywhere near as informed as I hope it was… There was and I’m sure there still is an efficiency to the academic approach here that will serve you very well for whatever career you choose.’  The full story can be read here: Brian O'Connell History Talk 2019.

The award recipients were as follows: 


History Student of the Year Awards

Year I: Isabel Buckley

Year II: – Melissa Shiels

Year III: Pádraig Manning


European Studies Student of the Year Awards

Year I Amy Sexton

Year II: Chiara Mingozzi

Year III: Michaela Reilly


Higher Diploma in Arts (History) Student of the Year

Adelle Helen


The Leanora Hanrahan Prize in History

Sarah Cremin


The James and Mary Hogan Prize in History

Jenny Laffan


The Dermot Keogh Prize in Irish History

Elizabeth Walsh


The J.J. Lee History Prize

Maeve Towey


The John A. Murphy Prize in Irish History

Pádraig Manning


The John B. O’Brien Annual Prize in History

Colin Ruane


The Jennifer O’Reilly Prize in Medieval History

Ana Harrington


The Polish Ambassador Prize in Polish History

Louise Howe


The Mansion House Fund Scholarship in Irish History

Pádraig Manning


The History MA Student of the Year Award

Orla Keating 

School of History

Scoil na Staire

Tyrconnell,Off College Road,Cork,Ireland.
