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The Book of Kells: Image and Text / Student Exhibition, MA in Medieval History, UCC

25 May 2017
Portrait of Matthew, The Book of Kells, TCD MS 58, folio 28v © Special Collections, UCC

This online exhibition is the first digital output created as part of the MA in Medieval History. The exhibition, presented as a series of blog posts and focusing on the Book of Kells, stems from collaboration between the School of History (Dr Małgorzata Krasnodębska-D'Aughton) and UCC Special Collections (Ms Elaine Harrington). The exhibition builds on the University's rich tradition of medieval scholarship and in particular on the contribution of Dr Jennifer O’ReillyThe exhibition can be viewed on

All involved in the project wish to thank TCD Manuscripts Department for their generosity in providing images from the Book of Kells free of charge. We are grateful to Dr Damian Bracken and Dr Diarmuid Scully for their comments on drafts of the blogs. Our thanks to Vicky Janssens for providing the audio reading of the Kells folio 204r. Our gratitude goes to Peter Finnegan of Blackstone LaunchPad for sharing insights into entrepreneurial opportunities for History postgraduates.

The exhibition is part of the HI6091 MA skills-based module. During the module, students apply their research and skills of historical analysis and interpretation to the writing of history for a wider public. Through seminars and practical exercises, the students engage with practical issues of copyright restrictions, digital presence, object handling, photography, marketing and publicity. As the exhibition is a group effort, students also learn about the importance of soft skills of communication, negotiation and collaboration.

School of History

Scoil na Staire

Tyrconnell,Off College Road,Cork,Ireland.
