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UCC Mini Bio-Blitz @ the Wildflower Meadow

1 Jun 2023

A mini-bio blitz, facilitated by Irene (Greenshoots Coordinator) was carried out on Thursday 25th of May. The team of recorders assessed UCC's wildflower meadow, which was sowed in 2018 as part of UCC's biodiversity plan and commitment to the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan. A variety of species were recorded; here is a sample list.

Ox-eye Daisy, Red Clover, Plantain, Cock's-foot grass, Knapweed, Black Meddick, Yellowrattle, Meadow Buttercup, Creeping Buttercup; Yarrow; Poppy; Germander Speedwell; Ragged Robin; Cut-leaved Cranesbill; Cowslip; Vetch; Thistle; Broad-leaved Dock; Hemlock (unconfirmed); Common Carder Bumblebee; Ladybird; Dandelion; Cleavers, and Barn Swallow."

This diversity of species shows just how important UCC's no-mow policy is for wildlife on campus, and for meeting the ambitions of UCC's biodiversity action plan. Actions we can all take for biodiversity in our gardens, like reduced mowing, eliminating pesticide and herbicide use, and planting native plants, really make a difference for our world. Well done to the gardening and grounds teams who keep the wildflower meadow in beautiful condition

Green Campus

University College Cork, College Road, Cork T12 YN60,
