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UCC hosts E-Bike Show and Tell Event

8 Jun 2022
Show and Tell

UCC E-Bike Show and Tell Event 

Great fun was had at the Green Campus E-Bike Show and Tell Event held recently on campus.

“Show and Tell”, a concept found mostly in a school settings is used to enhance communication methods through the practice of showing something to an audience and explaining how it is used. It is said to foster team building and camaraderie and encourages participation. It sounded exactly like that which we needed to share the benefits of E-Biking with the wider UCC staff community. And who better to help us communicate this message than our E- Bike Ambassadors (staff who are experienced E-bikers from their participation in the E-Bike trial project).

UCC E-Bike Ambassadors are well aware of the benefits of E-biking, but for many of us there may still be lots of unanswered questions and reservations about trying one out so we felt that offering staff the chance to try out an electric bike in a safe, familiar environment on Campus would not only encourage those who might normally shy away from cycling and certainly never consider e-biking but could actually do the opposite. We're pleased to say it worked!


On the day we had the support of Cillian Read of The Bike Shed, who has supported our E-Bike trial from its inception. He was there to offer technical advice and encouragement to members of staff and to share the benefits of E-Biking. Added to that we had our colleagues Stephan Koch and Imelda Sheehan from the Commuter Plan team sharing information on the UCC Cycle To Work Scheme They explained how employees can save income tax and and PRSI on the purchase of a bicycle and related safety equipment, when they buy it through their employer and the price is deducted from their salaries over a maximum of 12 months.

Staff members followed a designated route around campus on an E-Bike under the watchful eye and support of our E-Bike Ambassadors and got to feel for themselves how wonderful travelling by E-Bike can be.

Here is some of the feedback we had:

“I never thought I’d cycle a bike again, let alone an electric bike but I love it”

“I can believe how steady cycling an E-Bike feels”

“I had no idea how do-able this was and with the cycle to work scheme I’m definitely going to invest

So all in all the only question left to answer is : When is the next E-Bike Event?

If you would like to trial an an E-Bike please email us at . The E-Bike trial registration form and T&C's are available below. 

E-Bike Registration Form

E-Bike T&C's



Green Campus

University College Cork, College Road, Cork T12 YN60,
