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E-Bike - "Show and Tell".

25 May 2022

How would you like the opportunity to trial an E-Bike on Campus? Are you interested but just unsure about venturing out on Cork roads! If so, why not come along to our “E-Bike Show and Tell Event”, next Tuesday 31st May 2022. We’ll be outside the Hub with the team from The Bike Shed, offering you the chance to cycle around campus on an electric bike. We’ll have a team of buddies available to cycle with you if you wish. Looking forward to seeing you there.

So many staff have trialed the UCC E-Bikes and here's what they've been telling us:

“I had so much fun taking the ferry over to Cobh, I went a second day.  The E-bike provided me the opportunity to ride around the perimeter of Great Island which was enchanting”.      

 “E-Biking gave me time to meditate, reflect and help plan ahead”.

 “I’m on leave this week, so I’m having fun with the bike. With the weather so unseasonal, the E-bike has cheered me up”. 

 “Thankfully with the help of the motor, cycling against a really strong wind from Crosshaven was grand. I only used half of the battery charge, as I was on ECO on the way down. Hurrah for the sports setting against the wind”.

And here are the reasons you've told us you trialled the UCC E-bikes in the first instance. 


  • I live just outside Ballincollig and so it would be a feasible journey for me by bike every day. 
  • I'd like to spend less time travelling to work and get more fit myself.
  • I would like to cycle to work, and around the city, but the hills put me off. An e-bike should help
  • Now want to return to cycling, I would like to trial electric bike because need the extra power for the uphill commute!
  • To evaluate an E-bike for more active commuting which should make it easier on several hills on the way home.
  • Cycling would be a much more sustainable mode of transport for commuting and the E- bike will help with the hills on my route..
  • I would be interested to try one of these to see if it can replace using the car both for work and longer journeys.
  • I am interested in demonstrating that we can live and commute sustainably within an urban setting without contributing to poor air quality. Travelling from northside area of the city onto the campus requires stamina, which is one of the reasons why one would drive; e-bike could help change habits.
  • I want to stop driving to work and cycle instead
  • I'm considering buying an e-bike for my commuting
  • I am considering switching to an e-bike to reduce commute time and to cover longer distances around town.
  • I'd like to spend less time travelling to work and get more fit myself.


  • I'd like to spend less time travelling to work and get more fit myself.
  • I want to become more active during evenings and weekends.
  • I would like to get more fit and to reduce my impact on the environment.
  • I’m curious about e-bikes and whether it is worth investing in one versus my usual bike, as I am due to replace my bike shortly.
  • I have hurt my knee and am unable to walk so a bike with a battery to help on the hills will be great.
  • Environmentally friendly, no need for parking, more flexible exercise
  • I'd like to spend less time travelling to work and get more fit myself.


  • I would like to cycle to work, and around the city, but the hills put me off. An e-bike should help there.
  • I am interested in demonstrating that we can live and commute sustainably within an urban setting without contributing to poor air quality. Travelling from northside area of the city onto the campus requires stamina, which is one of the reasons why one would drive; e-bike could help change habits.
  • I would like to trial electric bike because need the extra power for the uphill commute!
  • To evaluate an E-bike for more active commuting which should make it easier on several hills on the way home.
  • Cycling would be a much more sustainable mode of transport for commuting and the E- bike will help with the hills on my route.
  • I have hurt my knee and am unable to walk so a bike with a battery to help on the hills will be great.


Considering Investing

  • I’m considering replacing my bicycle with a E-bike so being able to trial one is fantastic.
  • Thinking about investing in eBike for the Winter.
  • I am interested in buying an e bike myself so good to have a trial run first.
  • I was planning to get a bike this year; I am unsure whether to get a normal bike or an E-Bike so I hope the trial will answer this question.
  • I want to test if it would be worth purchasing electric bike myself for the same commute.


  • I am interested in demonstrating that we can live and commute sustainably within an urban setting without contributing to poor air quality. Travelling from northside area of the city onto the campus requires stamina, which is one of the reasons why one would drive; e-bike could help change habits.
  • To reduce my environmental impact.
  • Environmentally friendly and convenient mode of transport to commute to & from work.
  • I would like to get more fit and to reduce my impact on the environment
  • Environmental friendly no need for parking more flexible exercise.
  • I have an older e-bike and I am hoping to upgrade if I can afford it as the bikes have improved a lot over the last few years so I am really interested in trying out a newer model as I believe the motors/positioning of them makes for better balance etc now. I would then give my current bike to my older daughter. I am committed to continuing to commute to UCC and if the cycle network improves sufficiently having my daughters go by bike to their school once the school year starts and if the cycle lanes are made safer.
  • I think it is a great scheme and it’s great to have this facility in UCC given the shortage of parking. I also feel that this initiative would be line with UCC Sustainability Strategy which I would like to support.

Green Campus

University College Cork, College Road, Cork T12 YN60,
