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2021/22 Q3 Energy Performance

8 Sep 2022

Every quarter the UCC Energy Management team meet to review UCC's energy use and performance. The most recent energy review took place at the on the 01st September and the information presented at the meeting can be found at 2021_22 Q3 Energy Performance Update and WGB_BHSC Energy Review at Energy Update WGB_BHSC.

 Electrical Consumption and Project Updates

By the end of June our electrical consumption was in line with our forecasted load at 14.8 GWh. Electrical use jumped by 1,800,000 kWh when compared to the same period in 2020/21 but is still 500,000 kWh below our baseline period of 2018/19.

When Tyndall, Mardyke Arena, Campus Accommodation and IMI buildings are included UCC’s electrical use for the Academic year increases from 14.8 GWh to 21.6 GWh.

Despite our best efforts and ongoing conservation programs we continue to report that electrical use in the Boole Library continues to increase on previous years as the building is opened longer and ventilation rates have increased. While the Estates office  have a number of ventilation upgrades in design stage it is forecasted that the Boole’s energy use will continue to rise for the next 18 months.


Increased research activity in the Kane building has also seen that buildings energy load increase and it is forecasted that the energy demand of the Kane will significantly increase over the next 12-18 months as the recently added ULV lab comes online.

The Estates office continues to implement energy conservation projects and have completed 22 energy efficiency projects this year that should reduce the energy demand by 1.7%. Some of the projects completed include retrofitting LED lighting program, Fumehood Sash reduction program, Pump replacements and controls upgrades.




Gas Consumption and Project Updates

Total consumption of natural gas has dropped significantly on the previous year, largely due to milder weather and reduced operating times. When normalised for weather effects our use increased by 14% on 20/21 and by a scary 25% when compared to our baseline of 2018/19.

When Tyndall, Mardyke Arena, Campus Accommodation and IMI buildings are included UCC’s gas consumption for the Academic year increases from 18.9 GWh to 27.8 GWh.




The increases can be largely attributed to the increase ventilation rates and operating times of systems, in line with COVID ventilation requirements.

The District Heating network, which supplies steam to the Kane, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Boole Library and the QUAD is the largest consumer of gas on site and has significantly increased from the baseline period.




The campus east gas account, used to supply fuel for the boilers in the ORB, Geography and Aras McLeinn and has seen a reduced demand for gas, largely due to the installation of a new Air Source Heat Pump in the ORB.

A number of projects are underway to improve heating controls and building insulation that should help us achieve further savings in 2022/23 and funding permitting, it is planned to decarbonise the heating systems in the Pharmacy and Brookfield buildings in the summer of 2023.

Green Campus

University College Cork, College Road, Cork T12 YN60,
