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News Archive 2019

Staff Awards 2019: Exceptional Citizen Award goes to Dr Emmanuelle Schon-Quinlivan

21 Oct 2019
UCC President, Professor Patrick O'Shea and Dr Emmanuelle Schon-Quinlivan

Dr Emmanuelle Schon-Quinlivan of the Department of Government and Politics has received an Exceptional Citizen Award at the annual President's Staff Awards.

Dr Schon-Quinlivan has been awarded for her innovative and ambitious work to bring awareness of EU citizenship rights and responsibilities to Irish primary school learners (and, through them, to their parents). 


Co-funded by Erasmus+, My Big Friendly Guide to the European Union (BFGtoEU) is a teaching and learning programme. It is children friendly allowing the students to learn about but also question the European Union.  It contains lessons which are class appropriate, including lots of active learning.  For teachers, the programme has detailed lesson plans and accompanying resources.  Crucially, it is carefully slotted into the current Social Personal and Health Education curriculum, particularly when discussing citizenship.


Dr Emmanuelle Schon-Quinlivan with Dr Aodh Quinlivan and (L-R) Lucy, Adam, Alice Quinlivan


See here for BFGtoEU website.

Click here for more information about this project. 

Department of Government & Politics

Roinn Léann an Rialtais agus na Polaitíochta

2nd Floor, Block B, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Republic of Ireland,
