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Zeiterleben und Zeitgeschehen. Wahrnehmungen und Reflektionen im literarischen Schreiben. Experiencing and narrating time. Perceptions and reflections in literary writing. Poetikvorlesungen in Cork / Cork Poetry Lectures 2023

24 Apr 2023

Anna Rottensteiner and Stefano Zangrando will discuss themes of temporalities in the context of their own writings as well as translations: For example, how important are aesthetic strategies in self-translation when one considers what happened in the text and what happens in the translation? What will and could happen in and with the text that is currently being brought to life? What role do the various languages play? What opportunities do they provide?

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the authors, Anna Rottensteiner (A/IT), Stefano Zangrando (IT), Cécile Wajsbrot (FR), and Liliana Corobca (RO), discussed and narrated, among other themes, the theme of time in the context of the international literary project "Körperland Landkörper". Following that, in the 2023 Cork Poetry Lectures, Anna Rottensteiner and Stefano Zangrando will focus on the perceptions of time, the different levels and structures of time in their writings. During the pandemic, the authors observed a dissolution of the common experience of time and were confronted with questions such as: Was time suddenly irrelevant or extremely relevant? Did time pass faster, slower, or not at all? On the one hand, time assumed significance because humans have memory, which allows us to go beyond the actual experience; on the other hand, some felt that our daily lives were not worth remembering, and thus time appeared to be irrelevant. Writers are constantly engaged with time, whether it is the time duality between discourse-time and story-time, or the time experienced. What does it mean to write about the present, where we are now, and which narrative means do we use when writing about the past? What role do these time categories play in the writing process, and is the clear order of past, present, and future still relevant? How does the narration process change and unfold time stages, as well as our perception of them? How does space relate to time, which Mikhail Bakhtin referred to as the fourth dimension of space and as the primary category of the chronotopos?

Department of German


First Floor, O' Rahilly Building, UCC
