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Marlen Haushofer (1920-1970): Literary Works and Adaptations: Post-Apocalyptic, Posthuman Worlds, and the Theme of Complicity

28 Feb 2022
Photo of Bernadette Cronin (in Killing Stella) in the poster taken by Harry Moore (photographer/cinematographer)

We would like to invite you to the following hybrid seminar on the Austrian writer Marlen Haushofer on 1st March 2022, 4-5.30 p.m. Mary Ryan Seminar Room and online.

Austrian novelist Marlen Haushofer's Die Wand (The Wall, 1963, film adaptation by Julian Poelsler in 2012) has been described by Daniela Strigl as one of the key works of the 20th century.  For several reasons, it also became a book to read during Covid times. 

The seminar will feature the following presentations (in English): 

  • Fuelling Lockdown: Haushofer’s Die Wand (The Wall) as a Text of the Great Acceleration. (Caitríona Ní Dhúill, UCC)  
  • Discussion of Marlen Haushofer’s novella Wir töten Stella (1958) and the adaptation Killing Stella by Bernadette Cronin, in collaboration with Gaitkrash Theatre Company and cellist Eimear Reidy. (Bernadette Cronin Barbara Siller, UCC)  
  • Film perspectives and literary motifs: Reflections on Marlen Haushofer in the Austrian context. (Birgit Langeder, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Erasmus+ visitor / Verband österreichischer Volkshochschulen)

Mary Ryan Seminar Room: March 1st @ 4-5.30pm. 


Link to the meeting: 

Department of German


First Floor, O' Rahilly Building, UCC
