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Foreign Language Demonstrator Post

26 May 2016

Foreign Language Demonstrator Post available to start September 2016



Foreign Language Demonstrator IN GERMAN


Department of German


School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures


College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences


9-month Contract Post (Whole Time)




UCC invites applications for the position of Foreign Language Demonstrator in German.


The successful candidate will have a BA in Modern Languages, experience in Teaching German as Foreign Language, and native or near-native competence in both the German and English language.  Preferred areas of expertise include Teaching German as a Foreign Language, blended learning, E-learning. The successful candidate will join a friendly, professional, committed and student centred Department ( She/He is expected to teach German Language courses at all levels of our undergraduate degree and Languages for All programmes (12-14 weekly contact hours). She/He will also be expected to take over administrative and examination duties, develop teaching materials, and develop expertise in the area of Web2.0 teaching and online/blended learning technologies.




Informal enquiries can be made in confidence to Dr. habil. Gert Hofmann, tel: 021 4902283; email:  For further information on the Department of German please visit




Salary: €12,960 (nine months contract)




Candidates should apply, in confidence, before 1pm on Thursday, 2nd June 2016, by emailing an application letter, CV and the name, email address and telephone number of one referee to Interviews will take place on Friday 10th of June 2016.


No late applications will be accepted.






Department of German


First Floor, O' Rahilly Building, UCC
