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Developing Fluency and Cnfidence in Spoken German

20 Jan 2017

For the third year running, the German Department is offering its very successful once-off half-day course.  This is aimed at Senior Cycle students and will take place on Saturday 4th March 2017 from 10am to 2.15pm.  The course will be taught by experienced second and third level teachers, including some native speakers, and will focus on oral communication skills, including expanding vocabulary, pronunciation and fluency, as well as strengthening grammar basics.  The cost will be 35 for the day, which will consist of five sessions.

Here is a selection of responses from 2016 attendees:

  • I loved the active learning and how encouraging the teachers were;

  • Just talking in German to people and hearing it all morning;

  • Everyone had to participate.

We look forward to seeing you on 4th March!  Click here for more details:  


Department of German


First Floor, O' Rahilly Building, UCC
