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Newsletter December 2020

17 Dec 2020
The River Lee, Cork, Ireland (Photo L. Hermida).

Welcome to the ninth edition of the UN Environment Programme GEMS/Water Capacity Development Centre (CDC) newsletter.

We hope that you are safe and well. The last six months have been busy for the Centre despite the postponement of some training, travel and field activities. We are still mostly working from home as we have been since the Covid-19 pandemic reached Ireland in February. Our team and colleagues internationally have adapted to working fully on-line which has enabled us to meet people virtually and to continue much of our capacity development work, including delivering our on-line training courses. As this year draws to a close, the first phase of GEMS/Water capacity development ends and plans are being finalised for new activities for the next phase, starting in January 2021. All the Centre staff are taking a much-needed break over the Christmas period and will be off-line from 18th December to 4th January.

I hope you enjoy reading about our activities over the last six months. Please keep in contact and let us know how we can contribute to improving the water quality monitoring capacity of your country or region.

Click to read our Newsletter December 2020 here.

UNEP GEMS/Water Capacity Development Centre

UNEP GEMS/Ionad Forbartha Acmhainneachta Uisce

Environmental Research Institute, Ellen Hutchins Building, University College Cork
