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MSc project feature: Olumide Omolade's groundwater research in Nigeria and Cameroon

6 Jul 2020
Olumide Omolade

Our last feature was on water quality research in an important river basin in Sierra Leone. This week we look to groundwater research in Nigeria and Cameroon.

Olumide Omolade’s research involves multivariate and hydrogeochemical statistical analysis on recent data from three coastal areas in Nigeria. This coastal data, obtained from the National Hydrological Agency of Nigeria, covers the Delta, Akwa Ibom and Cross River states of Nigeria. Olumide is comparing this data with data from coastal areas in Douala, Cameroon.

Using Vertical Electrical Sounding datasets freshwater-saline interfaces were delineated. Olumide used drinking water quality assessment results, coastal salinity characteristics and coastal salinity relationships to determine whether there were similarities between the groundwaters of the three coastal states in Nigeria, the transboundary Rio del Rey basin and the coastal areas of the Douala in Cameroon.

He found there were similar water quality characteristics between the coastal areas of Nigeria and Cameroon extending through their shared transboundary basin (Rio del Rey). Using the multivariate and hydrogeochemical statistical method to obtain this information is a more cost-effective alternative to the isotope tracing method.

This research determines the extent of saline water intrusion from the sea into the coastal aquifers. Saltwater intrusion deteriorates the quality of groundwater especially for drinking water usage. This information provides guidance on abstractions depths and rate with emphasis on the saltwater-freshwater interface stabilization.

We are very much looking forward to Olumide’s MSc thesis on this valuable groundwater research.

 Map extract showing the transboundary Rio del Rey river basin in Nigeria and Cameroon

Rio del Rey transboundary basin (Image by Hans Braxmeier CC BY-SA 2.0)

UNEP GEMS/Water Capacity Development Centre

UNEP GEMS/Ionad Forbartha Acmhainneachta Uisce

Environmental Research Institute, Ellen Hutchins Building, University College Cork
