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Head of GatewayUCC Myriam Cronin on the Red Business podcast talking about SPRINT Accelerator Programme.

7 Apr 2022
Myriam Cronin, Head of GatewayUCC

As GatewayUCC celebrates its 10th birthday, Head of GatewayUCC Myriam Cronin joins Jonathan Healy on the Red Business podcast to talk about SPRINT Awards 2022 and the SPRINT Accelerator Programme at GatewayUCC.

To hear Myriam's interview in full, join the podcast at 6:27. 



For more on this story contact:

For more details about SPRINT contact Head of GatewayUCC, Myriam Cronin at 


GatewayUCC - Gorlann Ghnó

C/O Office of Technology Transfer, Western Gateway Building, Western Road, Cork, Ireland.,
