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26 Mar 2014

News and Events from April to May 2014

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10 April 2014, Thursday, 12.30 to 2 pm, Room 2.31 WGB

Ted Foley, Business Angels Network, Cork

The Business Angel Partnership is a joint initiative between the Irish Business Innovation Centre (BIC’s), Enterprise Ireland and InterTrade Ireland.  It operates regionally providing matching service for private investors (Business Angels) and pre-screened investment opportunities in start-up, early stage and developing businesses.

Since inception in 2007, The Business Angel Partnership has raised over €50m in seed investment across all sectors. Investments ranged in size for €30k to €1.2m and the average investment was €186,000 per deal. In 2013 the Irish BICs completed over 30 investment raising €12 seed capital equity investment in Irish Start-ups.

Ted Foley is the co-ordinator for the South West and will go through what companies are eligible for assistance and how a company would apply for such funding.


29th April 2014, Thursday , 11.00 to 2 pm, WGB

Horizon 2020 Briefing Session for SME’s, Researchers and  Campus Companies

Dr Ciaran Duffy, European Advisor, EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Health, and member of Irish National Support Network for Horizon 2020 EU Programme for Research and Development offering support and advice for research (academic and industry) wishing to engage in EU publically funded research will present latest developments in Horizon 2020. Ciaran is also heavily involved in engagement with EU Commission providing member states input to on-going research programmes and research areas for future funding.

Sean Burke, Enterprise Ireland National contact Point for Research for the Benefit of SME’s for Horizon 2020, will set out developments and opportunities for the SME sector.

Followed by afternoon session on the ASSERT project by Dr George Shorten of the College of Medicine to industry invitees.


1st May 2014, Thursday, Room 2.26, 12 noon Western Gateway Building

Ian Lucey of Lucey Investment Fund for Early Stage Start-Ups


The Lucey Fund operate an investment fund for early stage start-ups designed to help experiences entrepreneurs bring well build products to market in a capital efficient way. The fund has invested €2m in start-ups in the last 2 years across 15 deals. The company also give free advice on tax that can help start-ups. One to one meetings can be set up after the presentation to interested clients. To book just let me know.



12th May 2014, Monday, Room 2.31, 12 noon – 2pm Western Gateway Building

Presentation Skills

This course entails a 2 hour interactive workshop designed and presented by the Careers Office in UCC which will give information and confidence to does making Presentations as part of their working life.



29th May 2014, Thursday Room 2.31 12.30 to 2pm Western Gateway Building

Gateway Client Networking Event


This is an informal networking opportunity to all gatewayUCCclients new and longer term to introduce their businesses to the group and build up linkages between the gatewayUCCCommunity.




GatewayUCC - Gorlann Ghnó

C/O Office of Technology Transfer, Western Gateway Building, Western Road, Cork, Ireland.,
